Welcome to my site! Benvidas e benvidos!
I am a post-doc researcher at NOVAFRICA, Universidade NOVA SBE and the founding director of the Bissau Economics Lab. Currently teaching Policy Appraisal at the Master's in International Development and Public Policy at Nova SBE. My research focuses on development and experimental economics. Most recently I am studying the relationship between teams' diversity and performance, the impact of communicating market advice to cashew farmers and the role of traditional beliefs on the demand for formal health services. I am specialized in private sector development in low income countries. I have worked as an ODI Fellow for the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Guinea-Bissau and as a consultant for the ILO, the WB, UNDRR and UNDP. I hold an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and an MRes and a PhD from the European University Institute. |